
Watch the widest selection of
Caribbean movies and TV shows.

All in one place. Everything on demand.
Starting at US$4.99/month. Cancel anytime.

The largest selection of exclusively Caribbean movies and TV shows.

Hundreds of hours of content, including never before seen shows from across the Caribbean islands and classic movies and TV shows that haven’t been available for years.

Easily available On-Demand, all in one place.

No need to go to different platforms to find different titles from across the Caribbean. Watch anywhere anytime you want once you have an internet connection.

Watch Caribbean stories from Caribbean creatives that accurately reflect our culture.

Movies and TV shows on the service feature people who look like us, sound like us and in stories that reflect our experience exclusively from Caribbean creatives.

Enjoy the Best Views of The Caribbean


Create multiple profiles on one account.

All Your Devices

Watch on your computer, phone or tablet.

Seamless Streaming

Stream on multiple devices at the same time.

Ad Free

Watch your favorite content with no interruptions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Pavilion+ is a streaming service that offers the widest selection of Caribbean movies and TV shows.

    You can discover and watch as many Caribbean movies and TV shows as you want for one low monthly price. New Caribbean movies and TV shows are added every month.

  • Pavilion+ is available on and through participating subscription providers.

  • You can watch Pavilion+ on your streaming device for one flat monthly fee. Streaming plans start at US$4.99 a month. There are no contracts, and you can cancel at any time.

  • You can watch Pavilion+ by signing in with your Pavilion+ account at on your internet-connected personal computer, smartphone or tablet. You can also watch on the Pavilion+ app on your Android, iOS device, or smart TV.

  • Pavilion+ has hundreds of hours of new and classic Caribbean movies, TV shows, documentaries and more ready to stream, on demand.

    Stream Jamaican, Trini, Bajan and Bahamian movies and TV shows as well as content from other Caribbean countries and islands.

  • Pavilion+ has a growing selection of children’s and family friendly Caribbean movies and TV shows.

  • Pavilion+ now offers a 7-day free trial. If you have a Pavilion+ coupon code, you can enter it during the sign-up process to receive a discount on your Pavilion+ subscription.